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We know much more work needs to be done to end puppy farming.
Our Mission
Statement from The Justice for Reggie campaign
Richard Ackers (Justice for Reggie Campaign) says, “It’s been a tremendous effort by individuals and charities to achieve Lucy’s Law – and their work can’t be praised enough – but it has far from ended the misery caused by puppy farming. The tragic stories we continue to hear, as well as the feedback we receive from Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, presents a desperate picture across the country. We know that so much more work needs to be done to end puppy farming, a sometimes deep and complex issue. We’re sure many charities and groups are also out there struggling with this issue. Therefore, we will be continuing the appeal to everyone who cares deeply about this issue to join together as one collective voice.
We have raised considerable awareness since the campaign began in December 2020 and we have formed relationships with many experienced and high profile people.
We would like to pass on our thanks to these people and organisations for supporting us and providing us with useful information and advice. A few special mentions below:
● C.A.R.I.A.D
● Many MPs from all over the UK
● Ministers from Ireland
● Pet selling sites Pets4Homes, Preloved, and Friday-Ad, AniMall24 who have been very receptive to our campaign and we are helping to make websites a safer place for animals and the buyer.
● Several local councils and local police
We praise everything people are doing for these animals but it is obvious the financial gain in puppy trading is fuelling the mistreatment and Lucy’s law is not being policed properly. There are too many loopholes in the legislation and it is clear more needs to be done immediately to stop this. There are also many more selling sites who haven’t responded to us and are still allowing these illicit sales to take place.
We want to continue to place pressure on the Government to enforce tighter policies and laws to end this tragic and abusive industry”.
The Justice for Reggie Campaign is calling for:
● An urgent National Summit of charities, campaigns, MP’s, Parliamentary Groups, Local Authorities, law enforcement agencies & supporters, etc, to end illegal puppy farming.
● An urgent review of Lucy’s Law, including whether appropriate funding has been allocated to ensure proper and swift enforcement, etc.
New Legal Requirements (as per press release January):
● All breeders must be licenced with a fixed address for legal inspections, where mum and pups can be viewed.
● All mums and pups must be seen by a vet within 14 days of birth. Certificates issued by a vet must display the date of visit and practice details. Veterinary records must also include all details of vaccinations, flea and worming, etc.
● Higher penalties for puppy farming
● Minimum pet age of 6 months before import / export from across Great Britain, Northern Ireland and other areas.
● Stricter microchipping regulation.
● Automatic and immediate seizure of any vehicle found to be illegally smuggling dogs
● Increased regulations to be placed on animal selling-sites and for more stringent checks to be carried out by approved selling-sites on potential sellers. For example, a driving licence or passport and two forms of proof of address.
● A proactive and visible national campaign to inform the general public about the pitfalls of buying dogs on-line.
In addition to our first press release in January and new legislation already being scheduled or under consideration, the Justice for Reggie Campaign is calling for:
● An urgent review of English dog breeding regulations, including the star rating system of licensed breeders which results in inspections of all licensed breeders not being required annually. This system is open to abuse by those who may present well upon initial inspection but whose standards can easily drop over time without regular monitoring. There are already examples of supposed 4 star rated licensed breeders in England who have been found guilty of cruelty and exploitation.
● The urgent withdrawal of the Pet Sales Licence which Defra inserted into current legislation at the same time that they introduced Lucy’s Law in England. This was following pressure from certain large stakeholders to ensure that the supply of puppies continued to meet public demand.
● We believe that all breeders, regardless of the number of litters they breed should be registered. The current system of licensing is too complicated and is easily abused by moving dogs to different locations. All breeders should be registered regardless of whether they breed one litter or more, with a fixed address for legal inspections, and where mum and pups can be viewed by the public.
● Higher penalties for unlicensed backyard breeding and puppy farming. Currently anyone caught breeding illegally, and who should be licensed, isn’t punished. They are simply requested to apply for a licence. This is not good enough and is no deterrent to illegal activity.
● Automatic and immediate seizure of any vehicle found to be illegally smuggling dogs.
● Improvements to the Guidance issued by PAAG (the Pet Advertising Advisory Group) to online classifieds and advertisers. These should include but are not limited to ads only being accepted by online classifieds where the seller must provide bank details, proof of identity and proof of address to the site itself.
● A proactive and visible national campaign in mainstream media, to inform the public about the pitfalls of searching advertisements for dogs and puppies for sale via the internet. Currently this information is too discreet as it can only be seen by those who frequent online websites.